I experienced The most fascinating emotion today. I was laying in bed after and decided to meditate. Mostly because I am in a class at my church that encourages meditation and I have not been very diligent about my daily meditation. . .I suppose I should preface a bit too by sharing something else I recently picked up at a workshop with David Friedman. David has a book called the "Thought Exchange." The gist of his workshop is that in order to move past a mental block, one must recognize and embrace the sensation that one feels when they are at the threshold of passing through the mental situation. An simple example, as I understand, may be if you are thinking of approaching a potential mate (for lack of a better word) and you get nervous and your tummy gets knotted and whatnot. David says that if you just act as the observer, and you notice the sensations going on in your body then just let them be, you will eventually get through them and they will not substantially effect you when you experience them in the future. So next time you consider approaching a potential mate, you will have the feeling, notice it, and it will not substantially effect your action. Well, that is it in a nutshell.
So, back to my experience. . .As I was laying on the bed and relaxing into a meditative state, I experienced all of the usual things I experience when I settle into meditation. I noticed the thoughts passing through and just let them go and noticed the sounds in my environment. There was a bird chirping outside the window and my little boy would occasionally giggle or screech for no apparent reason. As I fully relaxed, I noticed a feeling in my chest. It was a very familiar sensation, one that I normally suppress or ignore. The curious thing about it was that the sensation usually only shows up when I am confronted with a situation that evokes emotion. I had never noticed before but this time I did: the sensation I was experiencing was a sensation that I notice both when I am feeling elation and when I am feeling like I want to cry. In any case, the feeling was welling in my chest. I decided to just be with it and notice what it was like. I didn't so much play the part as the impartial observer that David suggested but I just let the sensation flow through every part of my body. I could feel tingling in my arms and legs and heat and cold everywhere. Before I knew it, I was laughing out load and and in a split second I was crying out loud. In one moment tears and simultaneously laughter. It was confusing and freeing. It was as if I had found a truth that I could never tell, never explain. It was a high like I had not experienced in my existence. The experience was both anchored and fleeting. Or maybe just anchored but I feared it would leave me. I don't know even now. When I finally stopped, I felt unexplainable, something I cannot describe. Maybe it is my tao? Lao Tzu said
The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.
That is what it feels like. I don't really want to try to describe my experience to anyone because I am afraid it will take from it. I suppose that is the good of an anonymous blog. I can both tell someone and not tell someone at the same time. . .
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.
That is what it feels like. I don't really want to try to describe my experience to anyone because I am afraid it will take from it. I suppose that is the good of an anonymous blog. I can both tell someone and not tell someone at the same time. . .
Some thoughts I was experiencing prior to my crazy mixed up emotions above was along the path of God creating man in his own image. I was considering that in concert with some ideas from quantum mechanics that I have been reading. One concept from quantum mechanics is that the universe exists as a single energy field. A series of experiments have proven that the consciousness of an observer can substantially effect the outcome of controlled experiments. Seems somewhat easy to extrapolate from that the consciousness effects what is observed and that somehow we are indeed all connected by something. Some in quantum mechanics believe that we are all connected because we are simply ideas within the consciousness of God or Source. During my meditative state, I was contemplating the connection between, as the Bible says, being created in the image and likeness of God and being a part of God's consciousness. being "created in the likeness of God. I wonder if that means God created man to have consciousness like God has consciousness? It makes sense that we are thoughts in the mind of God in the sense that we give life to our thoughts and we also let them die. Our thoughts would not exist without our (individual) consciousness giving them life. Also, some of our thoughts have long life, some short, some have long painful experince of dying (when we don't want to let them die) and some die very quickly and painlessly. Also, the thoughts do not perpetuate themselves, our consciousness perpetuates them. It might be compared to the heart and breath that sustain life. We do not perpetuate the heartbeat and breath, those things perpetuate each of us and when they stop, we stop (individually) stop. When a human holds a thought, it exists. It may exist passively in the back of one's mind (and probably we have innumerable thoughts existing somewhere in the back of our mind) but we birth new thoughts and let old thoughts die all the time. Perhaps, that is what is like with God Consciousness too. And perhaps that is what is meant by being created in the image and likeness of God. . .
Until next time, try being with your sensations, it is really Awesome!
With Love and Light. . .
Until next time, try being with your sensations, it is really Awesome!
With Love and Light. . .