I care little about these great teachers' lives - I'd rather not know about their human shortcomings. We all have our issues to deal with in the dream state that we live. Perhaps the shortcomings that we all are susceptible in life as human beings give us the opportunity to grow in Spirit and to awaken ever more. I am much more concerned about the message that they are channeling, thereby helping my own awakening in the process. I get what Eckhart was saying about the ego creating suffering - and how it self destructs when it gets to a point of pinnacle tolerance (my words, not his), unable to hold its own b.s. The ego will self destruct, and depending on whom the ego inhabits, that One will either experience an awakening or make another choice. I find the former to be true for me - ego has inhabited much of my life - and only began to be conscious of Spirit in my early 20s. Even then, the presence of Spirit was baffling and upon looking back, I allowed grace to carry me through periods of confusion and tribulation.
Even before attending this event, I am presence to my awakening - some 20 years now. Like so many of my brothers and sisters, I am coming into the Truth of Being - to recognizing who I am and whom we all are underneath the exterior of form. We are the a manifestations of The One ~ and all these expressions are beautiful. What I have observed in myself, and I find to be interesting is that I return to this place of wanting to awaken...

The unchanging, formless, ever-present, omnipotent energy we tap into once in a while is that which is True. I am on a quest to awakening and feel called to share this with all those whom wish to awaken...perhaps, alas, I found what my work in the world is.